
Sylt 2017 – Die schönsten Seiten der Insel

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Grand Elysée Hamburg

I’m painting right in the center of my hometown. Through the open window of my room above the park ‘Moorweide’ I see the television tower. The one, which always shows me the center of the city from all directions of heaven, is posing for me. As I excitedly step onto the roof of the house,

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Grand Elysée Hamburg – Elysée TV

For my SUITE VIEW art project I paint the view from the room of the Grand Elysée Hamburg Hotel: My motif is the TV Tower, the University and the Moorweide.

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Empire Riverside Hotel, Hamburg

I am searching for the best perspective for my harbor painting. I find my favorite place on my bed, of all places. The view out of the window cannot be more grandiose: My motive is the Elbphilharmonie in the early morning by sunrise. What a joy to bring the place where my exhibition will be onto

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NDR Fernsehen – DAS! – Macht eine Hotelsuite zum Atelier: Jeannine Platz

“Suite View” – so nennt sich das Projekt von Jeannine Platz. Dafür bereist die Künstlerin seit zwei Jahren Luxushotels auf der ganzen Welt und schließt sich 48 Stunden ein.

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Hamburger Morgenpost

Von Hamburg bis Hongkong Die schönsten Ausblicke der Welt Endlose Häusermeere bis zum Horizont, gemalt in Öl oder Acryl: Die Ottensener Künstlerin Jeannine Platz (43) reist für ihre Stadtpanoramen um die ganze Welt. Ob Hongkong, Kuala Lumpur oder ihre Wahlheimat Hamburg – jedes Mal ist es der Blick aus der Suite eines Luxushotels, den sie für ihr

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Empire Riverside Hotel, Hamburg

With my heart racing, I open the door to my River View Suite, because I know what I can expect: The view of the pulsing harbor and the gate to the world. I start the act of painting at dusk, this time accompanied by a television crew. Nothing can stop my euphoria of bringing this

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Hafencity Zeitung

Aussichten und Ansichten, die Suite als Atelier

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NDR Fernsehen – Rund um den Michel – Eine Malerin zu Gast im Elbphilharmonie-Hotel

Die Malerin Jeannine Platz durfte vor allen anderen eine Suite im Elbphilharmonie-Hotel “WestInn” beziehen. Sie malt die weltweit schönsten Aussichten aus Hotelzimmern.

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Berliner Morgenpost

Zimmer mit Aussicht – Künstlerin malt Hotel-Panoramen „Suite View“ nennt die Künstlerin Jeannine Platz ihr Projekt. Sie malt Ausblicke aus Fenstern von Luxushotels auf der ganzen Welt.

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Zimmer mit Aussicht – Künstlerin malt Hotel-Panoramen

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Hamburger Abendblatt

Zimmer mit Aussicht – Künstlerin malt Hotel-Panoramen „Suite View“ nennt die Künstlerin Jeannine Platz ihr Projekt. Sie malt Ausblicke aus Fenstern von Luxushotels auf der ganzen Welt.  

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NDR Fernsehen – Hamburg Journal – Elbphilharmonie: Der erste Hotelgast

Noch vor der offiziellen Eröffnung hat Jeannine Platz eine Suite im Hotel in der Elbphilharmonie bezogen. Die Malerin hat einen ganz speziellen Auftrag.

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The Westin Hamburg

I am the first and only guest in the not yet opened Hotel, The Westin, Hamburg in the new emblem of the city: in the Elbphilharmonie. Which view should I paint: The one from the Horizon Suite, the Panorama Suite, the Owner’s Suite, or the Maisonette Suite? I decide for the view from two floors,

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SYLT life

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Hotel Walter’s Hof, Kampen

The magic of this north-sea island has moved me since I was a child and still does in new ways every time I am there. With my canvas under my arm, I alight from the train, run towards the scent of the heath until I am standing in the dunes. It must be the gold

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Hafencity Zeitung

Wie kommt eine Frau dazu, allein auf einem Containerschiff in die Welt hinauszufahren? Die Künstlerin Jeannine Platz hat es mehrere Male gemacht und erklärt es so: „Vom Elbstrand aus hatte ich schon viele Jahre sehnsüchtig den Containerschiffen hinterher geschaut. Sie schienen mir am besten geeignet für meine Suche nach Orten, die mich inspirieren.“ Und so

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Le Méridien Hamburg

I am standing at the window of my airy Alster Suite and I let my gaze sweep endlessly. My eyes quiet down here. There are no aggravations to destroy this dreamy idyllic scene. I only need a handful of colors, because the sky can only take a few pigments, besides white. Decelerated, I let my

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AMERON Hotel Speicherstadt, Hamburg

I spread out my paints and canvas on the terrace and look excitedly at the antique lofts and loading canals. This historical storage house complex is the world’s largest and the old brick buildings have a lot to tell me from ages ago. I am in the middle of the goings on at the harbor.

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Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten, Hamburg

I am standing on the roof terrace of my penthouse suite, the stateliest throne west of the Binnenalster and wait for good weather, but we’re in Hamburg and I have to paint inside. I paint at night, because then the lights even shine through a rainy sky. The Jungfernstieg and Alster Fountain shine through the

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Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin

In the middle of Berlin, at Paris Place I check into the legendary Hotel Adlon in my favorite lobby. As soon as my Brandenburg Suite is opened, I absolutely must begin painting! As dusk nears, with its romantic, yellow-gold lighting it becomes clear to me: this painting will be an evening view. Suddenly thick flakes

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Lindner Hotel & Residence Main Plaza, Frankfurt

The window to the Frankfurt skyline opens. At the twilight hour the panorama is dipped in a magical light. I am ready for a palette of pastel colors and silver. The Main River lies romantically under me and I can sense a whiff of New York in the distance. The mood changes with every glance

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Hotel Louis C. Jacob, Hamburg

I am looking at the Linden Street from the atmospheric Max Liebermann room, whose painting eternalized the view. I can see the goings on at the Elbe from here as well. As the Queen Elizabeth grandly sails by my window on its way out to sea, I paint this spectacular occasion. The hotel staff and

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Radisson Blu Hotel, Hamburg

I’ve hardly entered the most beautiful suite of this house and it is transformed into my atelier in which I organize everything perfectly and sort out my colors. The completely new viewpoint of Hamburg from my panorama window surprises me, an unexpected perspective … I can spot the harbor from far away, but it is

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Rainvilles Elbterrassen, Hamburg

This harbor panorama fits best on an extreme rectangular format. Actually, it pulls me out onto the huge roof terrace of a small, 6-room hotel to paint, but the weather changes my plans: It is an icy cold February in Hamburg. Despite the pouring rain, the view from my room cannot be more perfect. It

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